What is @You?

@You is a social messaging app with an easy-to-use interface that lets you communicate both privately and socially with people you know...as well as people you may not know who share similar interests.

@You is currently available to invited users only. You can join the '@' crowd by sending a request for an invitation to checkitout@atyou.com

What does @You do?

  • Use the power of the crowd to ask for information and/or advice about local attractions.Example»»
  • Share social content with contacts and followers.Example»»
  • Private location based messaging with contacts.Example»»

Why use @You?

  • @You consolidates your social messaging and public news feed timeline in a single app.Details»»
  • Track public activity in selected geographic areas without being bombarded with unwanted global content.Details»»
  • Messages are tracked by conversation and not by user, so you don't have to scroll through a large history to find something important.Details»»

Key Concepts

  • @Zone - A geographical area that you are familiar with or interested in.Details»»
  • Shout Out/Holler Back - the types of messages that are sent via @You.Details»»
  • Local Activity - Public Shout Outs sent near you by people you may or may not know.Details»»

Use the power of the crowd to ask for information and/or advice about local attractions.

Example: Send Shout Out to specific location requesting advice or information

  1. From any of the three list screens tap the to create a new Shout Out.
  2. Type your question or request in the text area and tap the button.
  3. Tap the button to choose a target location for the Shout Out. On the Adjust Area screen navigate to the target location and then tap the to return to the Shout Something! screen.
  4. Use the button to associate specific tags to the message or include a #tagged word in your message text. Then tap the to return to the Shout Something! screen.
  5. Tapping the button allows you to select the conversation style.
  6. Back on the Shout Something! screen tap the to send your message.
  7. The Shout Out will then appear in the Public Messages list of the user's in the target area with matching @Zones; as well as in the Local Activity list of users in the target area whose @Zones do not match the tags in the message (Pictured).
  8. The Shout Out will also appear on the Local Activity map of the users in the target area.

Share social content with contacts and followers.

Example: Share an image with your friends and followers along with a location.

  1. From the list open the Shout Something! screen by tapping the
  2. Tap the button to assign a location to the Shout Out.
  3. Navigate to the location you wish to assign to the Shout Out and tap the to return to the Shout Something screen.
  4. Tap the on the Shout Something screen to go to the Select Friends Screen. Tap the to choose to send to all your friends and followers.
  5. This will take you back to the Shout Something! screen. Tap the button to select the conversation style.
  6. Back on the Shout Something! screen type your message and tap the to attach an image. Then tap the to send your message.
  7. The message will then appear in the Private messages list of the recipients and can be tapped to view the message and image.

Private location based messaging with contacts.

Example: Shout to all friends in a specific area.

  1. From the list tap the to access the map showing the location of your friends who are sharing their location.
  2. Navigate to the area you wish to target your friends. Open the Shout Something! screen by tapping the
  3. Type your message in the text area
  4. Tap the to adjust the target area of your Shout Out, and tap the to return to the Shout Something! screen.
  5. Tap the button to select the conversation style. When you are returned to the Shout Something screen tap the to send your message.
  6. The message will then appear in the Private messages list of the recipients.

@You consolidates your social messaging and social news feed in a single app.

  • No need to go back and forth between separate messaging and social network apps.
  • Messages are split into separate lists to keep your private messaging and social content apart.
  • The audience for your messages can be carefully selected so they won't fall into the wrong hands

Track public activity in selected geographic areas without being bombarded with unwanted global content.

  • When someone uses a #tag in a message in one of your @zones it will show up in your Public messages feed without the need to monitor a stream of messages for relevant content.
  • You can view #tags that are popular in your area and add them to an @Zone.
  • Using a #tag in a public shout will only be recieved by users near you who have added that tag to their @Zone.

Messages are tracked by conversation and not by user, so you don't have to scroll through a large history to find something important.

  • Separate conversations allows you to delete trivial content and save the important stuff.
  • Users have the ability to leave a conversation at anytime without affecting any of the other participants.
  • Originators of group conversations can boot other users, and a user can be added by any participant.

Key Concepts: @Zone - A geographical area that you are familiar with or interested in.

  • The first @Zone created is a roaming @Zone that allows a user to follow certain #tags where ever they are.
  • A user can also create multiple static @Zones in cerain geographic areas they are familiar with or interested in.
  • @Zones can be established at a local or state level depending on the size of your area of interest or expertise.

Key Concepts: Shout Out/Holler Back - the types of messages that are sent via @You.

  • A Shout Out can be a private message; a group conversation; a public, social message to friends and/or followers ; or a public request or question that will match interested uers @Zones.
  • Shout Outs can be targetted to a user's current location, or changed to a different location.
  • A Holler Back is a reply to a Shout Out. A Holler Back will go to everyone in a group conversation and can include image attachments as well as a location with directions.

Key Concepts: Local Activity - Public Shout Outs sent by people near you you may or may not know.

  • Local Activity is a constantly refreshing feed of the public Shout Outs near you that did not match #tags in your @Zones.
  • Users can reply to Local Activity Shout Outs with a Holler Back to answer the original question or offer advice.
  • When a user responds to a Local Activiy Shout Out it is moved to their Public Messages List.

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Coming soon to other platforms.